Hand-crafted Bath & Shower Products
Bomborama is a small-batch business based just outside Charlotte, North Carolina. I craft delightful and relaxing products designed for everyone to enjoy. Because self-care is essential, my creations are here to elevate your "me time" to a whole new level.
PC: Local Life Magazine
Shop My Hand-crafted Products
Need Customized Self-Care?
Looking for a unique and customized favor for a wedding, bachelorette, baby shower, birthday, office work party, etc.? I would love to help you bring your idea to life! Browse my custom options and feel free to send me an email at bomboramabathbombs@gmail.com to discuss the details of your next project.

Event Activities
Want to bring an extra wow factor to your next birthday celebration or office party? Our Build Your Own Bath Crumble Station offers a fun, interactive experience for all ages while encouraging the importance of self-care!
PC: Megan Pitts Photography